1250x5000mm glass tempering furnace put into Production in Zhejiang Province
One new customized size glass tempering furnace 1250x5000mm put into production in customer’s factory in Zhejiang Province, China.Read more -
Feedback from customer
4mm tempered glass made with Easttec glass temperingfurnaceRead more -
2440x5000mm convection glass tempering furnace ready for Oman customer
Forced convection glass tempering furnace size 2440x5000mm is ready for Oman customer.Read more -
2200x3200mm top convection glass tempering furnace ready for Portugal customer
Top convection glass tempering furnace 2200x3200mm is ready for Portugal customer.Read more -
One more SH-FA2442 delivered to Turkey
Force convection glass tempering furnace SH-FA2442 ready for Turkey customr
Model: SH-FA2442 Max. glass size: 2440x4200mm Force convection glass tempering furnace can all kinds of glass including LOW-E glass.Read more -
Luoyang Easttec participate Turkey glass exhibition held in Istanbul Tuyap exhibition center on March 4-7.
Another convection type small size flat glass tempering furnace is successfully running in north africa
Luoyang Easttec achieve huge harvest at ZAK 2019.
Luoyang Easttec will participate the ZAK Glass Exhibition held in New Delhi on December 12-15.
Another big size flat glass tempering furnace is successfully running at customer’s site.
Big size glass tempering furnace is successfully running at abroad customer’s factory. It can temper max glass size 2440mm*5000mm, both common float glass and all type of low-e glass.Read more -
Easttec will bring the best advanced technology to participate the Gulf Glass 2019